Detroit Office of the FBI

City of Farmington Hills, Michigan 


Mortgage Fraud in Oakland County, Michigan

Detroit Office of the FBI

Detroit Office of the IRS

Fifth Third Bank Questionable Transactions

Blue Cross Blue Shied of Michigan Overbillings

Summary:  For reasons unknown, the Detroit office of the FBI ("FBI") has abrogated its responsibility to investigate and seek prosecution of massive mortgage fraud in Oakland County, Michigan and to a lesser extent, Macomb County.  I explain in detail on the Home page and the page entitled Mortgage Fraud in Oakland County, Michigan the extensive level of fraud.  This has allowed numerous individuals to enrich themselves and to avoid prosecution.  

I began communicating with the Detroit and Troy office of the FBI in March, 2008.  I have sent dozens of facsimiles, emails and attached documents to their offices.  I have pointed out what I suspect to be well over $100 million in fraudulent mortgage transactions.   It is clear from my analysis that the mortgage fraud also resulted in massive tax fraud and perhaps bankruptcy fraud.  Yet, I see virtually no evidence of any prosecutions. 

I have offered on many occasions to meet with the FBI.  

It is difficult to understand why the FBI has allowed individuals to go unpunished and pocket millions of dollars in ill gotten gains.  

Following is an example of an obvious mortgage fraud, tax fraud and most likely bankruptcy fraud.  To my knowledge no actions were taken by the FBI or IRS. 

Imagine a purchase and a sale the same day?  The purchase for $1.95 million and the sale for $4.2 million.  As this was an obvious fraud, the question is raised as to why no action was taken by the FBI or IRS. 

Property located at (xxxxx)  in Bloomfield Hills, MI xxxxx-xxxx.  19-xx-xxx-xxx

Quit Claim Deed from FFS signed by MF, to HH, LLC, a Michigan Limited Liability Company for $1.00 dated June 24, 2005.  Notarized by SH.  MF is Resident Agent and President of FFS (HH is not registered with the State of Michigan DLEG)

Warranty Deed from HH LLC to MM, a single man for $4,200,000.00, dated June 24, 2005.  Signed by HH, LLC by MC, Member.  Notarized by SH.  (Transfer tax combined $36,120.00)

Warranty Deed from TH and CLH, husband and wife to FFS for $1,950,000.00, dated June 27, 2005.  (Transfer tax combined $16,770.00)  (Note the June 27, 2005 date for the initial sale is 2 days after the QCD) 

Mortgage dated June 24, 2005 from Countrywide Bank to MM in the amount of $2,940,000.00.

Mortgage dated June 24, 2005 from Countrywide Bank to MH in the amount of $420,000.00. 

Quit claim deed from MH to BFPM for $1.00 dated September 1, 2005.  Notarized by JK.  Resident Agent for B is RS. 

Sheriff’s Deed dated November 28, 2006 Mortage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc. against MM. 

MM and SH filed for bankruptcy

Property sold on June 12, 2008 for $1,055,000.00.